
Exhibition Report Paro, Doteng Lower Secondary School. Bhutan      Starting from 17 th to 21 st September ,   at Doteng Lower Secondary school at   Paro valley in Bhutan held an exhibition displaying the art works from more than 40 different countries.   The exhibition was supported by Royal Education Council of Bhutan and   Hamada Children’s Museum of Art , japan.   An invitation was sent to all the schools and the art teachers.   The exhibition was held at the Multi-purpose hall (MPH) at Doteng school. It has a capacity to hold 50 students at one time. It is located at the heart of the Doteng village, around 7 miles away from the Paro town.   The Exhibition was opened by the school principal and the teachers. There are 385 students and 30 staff in the school.   There are 30 students in the Early Learning Center at t...
 Embarking on this journey of mindfulness meditation is like taking a ride on a bike,for me.There is so  many things to observe. What I had learnt and seen before is fading.  New personal experiences are confusing. Yet I want to  continue the ride and gain more insight into myself.😊
“Use all the unwanted things in your life as the means for awakening compassion for yourself and others”  (Pema Chődrőn) When I first read this at the cover of the book “start where you are” by Pema chodern, I had not the least idea how these words would make an impact in my thinking process. I finished reading the book as prescribed; a guide on how pain could be used as a tool for awakening a compassionate heart. The words at the cover page in fact created the turmoil even after keeping the book down. I started revisiting every corner of my life, looking for unwanted things. The search itself was self internalization. Every trash seemed to have some kind of utility. It was amusing, a frantic hunt for any unwanted things, in desperate need for transformation. Transformation did occur indeed, but not overnight. It took me through the process of having faith, gradual observation, developing patience, endurance, believing in the miracles of nature, and finally reaffirming my fai...


Image the speed of light

First I was dying to finish high school and start college. And then I was dying to finish college and start working. And then i was dying to marry and have children. And then I was dying for my children to grow up old enough for school so i could return back to work. And then i was dying to retire. And now, i am dying....and suddenly I realize I forgot to live!     (Unknown) I remember jotting down this in my scrapbook so so long time back. i tried searching for the author to give my credits and alas! it turns out to be some one called "unknown". Sad. how can some one write something so "true" and call themselves " unknown". Never mind. I love this lines.I am almost half way through, and the last line scares me to death...ah what an irony!.